St. Joseph Catholic Church

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Men's Retreat- Subiaco Abbey

    More than 40 men from St. Joseph Church took part in a retreat March 14-16 at Subiaco  Abbey’s Coury House. The retreat’s theme was “Mission Impossible, Should You Decide to Accept It.”
The men gathered for dinner on Friday evening and later went to Vespers with the monks. A meet and greet reception wrapped up the day.

   After breakfast on Saturday morning the men took part in some inspirational singing with help from Steve Claflin and his accompanying musicians. The first speaker of the day was Father Mark Stengel. He said he’d recently observed his 50th anniversary of taking his vows as a Benedictine. Father Stengel  talked about personal relationships. Parishioners Jamie Guidry and Jack O’Reilly spoke next on “Family and Friends.” After lunch, Don Kremer’s topic was “An Evangelizing Parish.”  The remainder of the afternoon was taken up with confessions, relaxation and fellowship. After dinner and Vespers, the evening talk was given by Don Greenland on “Missionary Disciples In Our Community.”

   The retreat concluded on Sunday with a presentation on “Social Justice” from Bob Hapner and Mass in the Abbey Church.

For more Retreat photos go here


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