St. Joseph Catholic Church

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Find Peace Through Forgiven

A 7-Week Book Study During Lent


Forgiveness is something we can all relate to; we’ve been on the giving end, the receiving end, or perhaps we’re still waiting for it to  happen.   God is clear that forgiveness is necessary (Matt. 6:12), yet many find the task challenging and sometimes complicated. The 7-week book study will be based on Allen Hunt’s book,

Everybody Needs to Forgive Somebody (advertised at DynamicCatholic.com)


Who:  For any adult, age 18


or older

When: Sundays, March 2 – April 13

9:15 am – 10:15 am*(Time will depend on Faith Formation Classes dismissal chapel time)

Where: Adoration Chapel

What:  Small group book study

Why:  To learn a little more on forgiveness



For more information or to register for the group,


contact: Jean Lefler, 501-327-6568, sjpre@hotmail.com

             Dawn Pajor, 501-327-6568, dpajor@sjparish.org  or

             Diane Bausom, 501-326-1625, bausom@conwaycorp.net


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